Supporting Humanitarian Response to the Crisis in Ukraine

Episcopal Relief & Development Continues to Support Refugees Impacted by the Ukraine War
Press Release
June 5, 2024
Episcopal Relief & Development is working together with the ACT Alliance and the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe (CECE) to serve refugees impacted by the war in Ukraine, providing support both within Ukraine and throughout Europe.
In partnership with the ACT Alliance and CECE, Episcopal Relief & Development is helping over 70,000 immigrants to integrate into their new lives throughout Europe by offering language classes, legal and work assistance, and helping with food and basic needs. Within Ukraine, Episcopal Relief & Development is working with the ACT Alliance to help people who have fled the violence with shelter, food, water and counseling services.
Since the onset of the war in 2022, millions of war refugees have entered Europe and have overwhelmed the support systems, which has made successful integration even more difficult for all refugees. Episcopal Relief & Development has been working with local partners through the ACT Alliance and CECE to meet basic needs, and is beginning to transition to longer-term sustainable efforts. In partnership with CECE, Episcopal Relief & Development is offering trauma-informed care and mental health support in addition to helping refugees find work.
“We have entered the third year of this conflict and are facing the reality that millions of people will be unable to return to their homes,” said Lura Steele, Program Officer, Episcopal Relief & Development. “The initial incredible public support and resources have waned and anti-immigrant sentiment is picking up steam. This makes our work with the ACT Alliance and CECE even more critical.”
Please pray for all those affected. Donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Ukraine Crisis Response Fund will provide humanitarian assistance for the crisis in Ukraine.

Episcopal Relief & Development Partners with The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe to Aid Ukrainian Refugees
Press Release
May 5, 2022
Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe to help local congregations throughout Europe provide assistance to Ukrainian refugees.
The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, the European presence of The Episcopal Church, has a long history of ministry to refugees dating back to before World War I. Since the late 1980s, the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center (JNRC) – based at Saint Paul’s Within the Walls in Rome – has provided direct service to refugees from countless countries, helping them rebuild shattered lives.
Episcopal Relief & Development is working with the Convocation to strengthen and expand the capacity of all Episcopal Congregations across Europe to respond to the refugee emergency caused by the violence in Ukraine. The Convocation is creating a fund to support local congregations’ refugee response and will pair those grants with training from JNRC staff. This assistance will vary depending on the needs of the specific refugee groups but will likely include food, shelter, emergency supplies and trauma counseling. Additionally, JNRC plans to increase its staffing levels, allowing it to provide aid to more people.
“The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe is reporting refugees in their congregations throughout Europe,” said Nagulan Nesiah, senior program officer, Episcopal Relief & Development. “Through this partnership, we are taking steps to equip congregations to welcome these refugees and connect them to ongoing humanitarian initiatives.”
Episcopal Relief & Development is also working with other partners, including the ACT Alliance, on immediate and longer-term responses.
Please continue to pray for all those impacted by the violence. Donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Ukraine Crisis Response fund will help meet critical needs created by this crisis.
For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for close to 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.
Photo Courtesy of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe

Update on Response to Ukraine Crisis
Web Statement
March 16, 2022
Episcopal Relief & Development continues to work with Anglican and ecumenical partners to provide aid to people displaced by the crisis in Ukraine.
International Program staff are in close contact with church and ecumenical partners including the ACT Alliance, The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, the Diocese of Europe, the Anglican Alliance and United Society of Partners in the Gospel. These organizations are coordinating immediate and long-term humanitarian responses through their local partners in Romania, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.
“We are extremely grateful to all of our generous donors and supporters who are enabling us to provide assistance through our partners,” said Abagail Nelson, Executive Vice President, Episcopal Relief & Development. “While we appreciate the offers to donate physical goods, the most effective way to help right now is through prayer and by making a financial contribution. This will help us equip our local partners to get the specific emergency supplies they need, from local and regional sources, which will support the local economy.”
Episcopal Relief & Development does not accept in-kind donations, such as food and clothes, since it involves receiving and storing the goods in the US and spending money to transport them. The organization does not recommend traveling to Ukraine or the surrounding areas due to safety concerns. Untrained volunteers can also add strain on the already limited resources for local partners.
Learn more about the three phases of a disaster and how you can help at Episcopal Relief & Development has created resources, including flyers, bulletin inserts and announcements, for churches that would like to support the organization’s response efforts. Donations to the Ukraine Crisis Response fund will help meet critical needs created by this crisis.
Photo Courtesy of Daniel Fekete/HIA

Press Release
March 9, 2022
Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting Action by Churches Together (ACT Alliance) as it provides critical assistance to support people affected by violence in Ukraine. Working through ACT member Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) and other local organizations, ACT Alliance is providing emergency assistance such as food, shelter, water and basic supplies to refugees and people displaced within Ukraine.
The UN Refugee Agency estimates that as of March 8, more than two million people have left Ukraine since Russian forces invaded the country, making this the fastest-growing refugee crisis since World War II. Damage to civilian infrastructure has left thousands without electricity or water. Homes have been damaged and destroyed, displacing hundreds of thousands within the country. People are fleeing to neighboring countries such as Poland, Hungary and Romania and their long-term destination is unclear.
On February 27, HIA set up a refugee support point on the Ukrainian side of the border at Beregsurány where volunteers are providing hot tea, sandwiches, refreshments, blankets and basic hygiene items for refugees, who often wait long hours to cross the border into Hungary. These refugees include many children and older adults. HIA is in contact with its network of churches and organizations, as well as local governments in Hungary, to coordinate cash assistance, shelter, food and medicine for people who have been displaced.
ACT Alliance is setting up similar support points at other border towns to assist people as they leave Ukraine. It is working through local partners to provide aid for refugees in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Poland.
Episcopal Relief & Development is also working with The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, the Diocese of Europe, the Anglican Alliance and United Society Partners in the Gospel as the churches prepare to mobilize on potential immediate and long-term responses to assist Ukrainian refugees in Poland, Romania, Hungary and other parts of Europe.
“Episcopal Relief & Development was founded by The Episcopal Church to help people fleeing violence in World War II,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Disaster Response and Risk Reduction, Episcopal Relief & Development. “We remain committed to supporting our partners on the ground as they meet both immediate and long-term needs created by this crisis.”
Donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Ukraine Crisis Response Fund will help the organization and its partners continue to provide assistance to people displaced by the crisis in Ukraine.
Photo Courtesy of Daniel Fekete/HIA

Web Statement
February 28, 2022
Episcopal Relief & Development is mobilizing with Anglican agencies and other partners in order to provide humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine.
Working through the Action by Churches Together Alliance (ACT Alliance), Episcopal Relief & Development will provide cash, blankets, hygiene supplies and other needed assistance.
“Ecumenical and orthodox faith networks are on the ground in the border areas of Poland and Hungary,” said Abagail Nelson, Executive Vice President, Episcopal Relief & Development. “We will continue to coordinate with these networks, in order to meet the needs of people who have been displaced.”
Please pray for all those affected. Donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Ukraine Crisis Response Fund will provide humanitarian assistance for the crisis in Ukraine.
For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for close to 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.