Responding To Israel-Hamas War

A child receiving trauma and emotional support by Al Ahli Hospital medical staff.

Episcopal Relief & Development is Providing Access to Medical Care and Education to People Affected by the War in Gaza

Press Release

October 7, 2024

One year since the attack by Hamas militants on October 7, 2023, and the subsequent Israeli invasion of Gaza, Episcopal Relief & Development is continuing to support the health and education efforts of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank amidst ongoing violence.

In Gaza, needs are growing as 1.9 million people have been displaced. With the support of Episcopal Relief & Development, our long-standing partner Al Ahli Hospital has set up a satellite healthcare station (originally in Rafah and then later moved to Khan Younis) to treat infectious diseases, provide preventative health and maternal healthcare, and other critical services. The satellite station reports serving about 30 children a day with mental health support. In the West Bank, patients are struggling to access healthcare, and frequently come to diocesan medical institutions in Jenin and Nablus.

Since October 7, 2023, Episcopal Relief & Development has been supporting Al Ahli Hospital, based in Gaza City, to purchase fuel and medical supplies. The hospital has endured direct missile hits, blockades and other challenges, but remains open. Currently, the hospital is serving around 500 patients daily, and performing an average of 20-24 surgical operations each day. 

Episcopal Relief & Development, in partnership with Anglican Alliance member organizations and the Diocese of Jerusalem, is also providing access to education to families facing financial hardship as a result of the war. One hundred twenty-five students are able to attend St. George’s School in Jerusalem and The National Christian Kindergarten in Nablus at no charge, ensuring continuity of their education and nurturing their well-being. 

“The work of the Diocese is good news despite everything: a beacon of hope in a time of trouble,” said the Most Rev. Hosam Naoum, archbishop of the Diocese of Jerusalem. “As the war goes on, the challenge to the diocese’s institutions is existential, especially in the West Bank. The Anglican Alliance did a great job but we still need to do more to address the collateral damage of the war, as long as the war continues, especially into 2025.”  

Reflecting on the year’s response, Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Episcopal Relief & Development shared, “Our partners are working tirelessly to respond to the constantly growing needs throughout the region, and we don’t know when this will all end.” He added, “Even if the violence ended this very moment, there are so many lasting effects caused by this traumatic event. It’s important for us to be constantly mindful of what is happening–please keep praying and keep supporting.”

Please continue to pray for an end to the war in Gaza and for a just resolution for all Israelis and Palestinians. Support of the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund will help to address immediate and long-term needs through locally-led partnerships.

Al Ahli Hospital is providing medical care to patients as well as shelter and basic needs for family members within their compound. Photo courtesy of the Diocese of Jerusalem
Al Ahli Hospital is providing medical care to patients as well as shelter and basic needs for family members within their compound. Photo courtesy of the Diocese of Jerusalem

Providing Healthcare and Education During the Israel-Hamas War 

Web Update

July 10, 2024 (updated July 17, 2024)

Throughout the war, Al Ahli Hospital has encountered numerous challenges, including violence, barricades and supply shortages. Recent events concerning the hospital are as follows:

  • On July 8, the diocese informed Episcopal Relief & Development that Al Ahli Hospital was forced to close due to Israeli military operations. Patients, staff and people taking shelter at the hospital were told to leave the premises.
  • On July 10, the Anglican Alliance, backed by Episcopal Relief & Development and a consortium of international partners including the Diocese of Jerusalem, published a letter calling for an immediate ceasefire, and for the protection of hospitals and health services.
  • On July 11, the diocese shared with Episcopal Relief & Development that Al Ahli Hospital was reopened, and that staff and patients were able to return.

As our partners at the hospital face great difficulty and danger, and at times unpredictability, Episcopal Relief & Development is committed to supporting them, and remains steadfast in supporting the ongoing work of institutions throughout the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, including:

  • Treating infectious diseases, injuries and providing other emergency and preventative care to people affected by the war in Nablus, Jenin and Jerusalem
  • Supporting the satellite clinic at Khan Yunis in Gaza, where mental health support and other services are being offered
  • Addressing economic hardships by helping families pay school fees for their children in Nablus and Jerusalem

Please continue to pray for all people affected by the Israel-Hamas war. Support of the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund will help to address immediate and long-term needs through locally-led partnerships.

Episcopal Relief & Development Supports Medical Services in Gaza and the West Bank

Web Update

May 9, 2024

Episcopal Relief & Development is continuing to partner with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem to meet medical needs in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

  • Through the partnership with the diocese, Al Ahli Hospital is providing emergency medical care to about 170 patients in Gaza.
  • Additionally, in the West Bank, St. Luke’s Hospital in Nablus and Penmen Clinic in Jenin are providing preventative healthcare and other services to over 1300 displaced people.
  • The diocese’s medical staff is strained, and supplies are running low as more people seek treatment. The displacement of millions, coupled with a lack of sanitary conditions, has led to outbreaks of disease, increasing the need for medical services. Getting critical supplies across borders continues to be challenging and dangerous.
  • Episcopal Relief & Development President & CEO, Rob Radtke joined 50 other CEOs from the NGO community in urging President Biden to take action to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The letter calls for the protection of civilians and aid workers and for the safe, streamlined delivery of aid to impacted areas.

Please continue to pray for all people affected by the Israel-Hamas war. Support of the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund will help to address immediate and long-term needs through locally-led partnerships.

Episcopal Relief & Development Israel-Hamas War Response Expands to Provide Health Care and Education in the West BankWeb Statement

Web Statement

February 15, 2024

Episcopal Relief & Development, in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Anglican Alliance, is expanding its support to additional communities where people have been physically, emotionally and financially impacted by the war in the Holy Land. 

As the impacted areas have grown, with violence, supply shortages, displacement and unemployment spanning the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the Diocese of Jerusalem has identified health care and education as priorities. Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the ongoing emergency and mental health services of Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza, Saint Luke’s Hospital in Nablus and Penmen Clinic in Jenin as well as providing access to education for children whose families have lost income as a result of the war.

“The war has torn apart communities and families and has already had a devastating impact on the health infrastructure, and we know that it will take a long time to fully address evolving needs,” said Sawsan Aranki, Programs Development Officer at the Diocese of Jerusalem. “Our work is only in the beginning stages of recovery, starting to help people who have fled to heal and restore their shattered lives and livelihoods. As violence continues, so do the ever-increasing urgent needs.”

Long-term recovery takes years, with many setbacks that slow down the process. This phase of the response to the war targeting health and education needs in the displaced population in Gaza and the West Bank is estimated to last for six months. The strategy will adapt to arising needs as necessary. Episcopal Relief & Development will continue to support the diocese and other local partners in this phase and into the future.

Please continue to pray for all people affected by the Israel-Hamas war. Support of the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund will help to address immediate and long-term needs through locally-led partnerships.

Episcopal Relief & Development Partner Hospital Provides Critical Services in Northern Gaza

Web Update

December 4, 2023

  • Episcopal Relief & Development continues to offer support to Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem in Gaza, in response to the ongoing war in the Holy Land. 
  • Since the onset of war in the region in early October, Al Ahli Hospital has been performing life-saving emergency procedures, providing first aid and sheltering displaced people in northern Gaza.
  • Al Ahli Hospital has been able to keep operations running by conserving fuel, using generators selectively and relying on solar energy.
  • A shortage of supplies caused by blockades previously prevented the hospital from taking in new patients and operating at its full capacity. However, a recent delivery from the World Health Organization (WHO) replenished the hospital’s stock of medicines, ICU supplies, emergency drugs and IV fluids. 
  • As of now, Al Ahli is serving hundreds of wounded people each day, with the majority of cases being severe.
  • Please pray for Al Ahli Hospital staff and patients and for peace in the Holy Land.

Update on Episcopal Relief & Development Partner Al Ahli Hospital

Web Update

November 17, 2023

  • On November 16, it was reported that Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and partner of Episcopal Relief & Development in northern Gaza, is no longer able to receive new patients or perform surgeries. 
  • Speaking to the BBC on November 17, the Very Rev. Canon Richard Sewell of the Diocese of Jerusalem said that there is a communications blackout due to a lack of power and the Diocese is no longer able to receive daily updates. 
  • Episcopal Relief & Development works with disaster and crisis-impacted communities in the immediate and long-term phases of crisis response. The organization continues to support the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and remains ready to respond as the situation develops.
  • Please continue to pray for peace in the Holy Land and for all affected by the Israel-Hamas war, including Episcopal Relief & Development partners.

Web Statement

Episcopal Relief & Development Partner Hospital In Gaza Providing Critical Services As Nearby Medical Facilities Are Unable To Operate

Web Statement

November 16, 2023

Episcopal Relief & Development partner Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, continues to provide emergency support in northern Gaza following the outbreak of war in the region, even as other hospitals have closed because of damage or lack of resources to operate. 

Al Ahli Hospital, in partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development, has been treating 200 to 250 wounded patients and performing up to 10 surgical operations per day. Generators are only being used for certain procedures in order to conserve fuel, which is in short supply. Episcopal Relief & Development, through the Diocese of Jerusalem, has been supporting the hospital in acquiring more fuel and supplies from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IFRC) and United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Al Ahli is serving above its capacity and has recruited staff from closed nearby hospitals to help them serve the increased number of patients. 

“The staff of Al Ahli Hospital have been prioritizing patient care above their own safety,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Episcopal Relief & Development. “The hospital is a place of refuge. They are saving lives.”

Please continue to pray for peace in the Holy Land and for Episcopal Relief & Development partners. Support of the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund will help to address immediate and long-term needs created by the Israel-Hamas war through locally-led partnerships.

HIAS Community Coordinator Abdelmonim Haroon conducts a needs assessment of a displaced Eritrean community in Nitzana, Israel. Photo courtesy of HIAS
HIAS Community Coordinator Abdelmonim Haroon conducts a needs assessment of a displaced Eritrean community in Nitzana, Israel. Photo courtesy of HIAS

Web StatementPartnering with HIAS to Provide Mental Health Support in Response to Israel-Hamas War

Web Statement

October 30, 2023

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with HIAS to provide psychosocial support in the aftermath of the Hamas attack in southern Israel in early October.

Over 1400 people were killed, more than five thousand were injured and roughly 200 hostages were taken as a result of the October 7 attack. People were also displaced from their communities, including migrants who had fled their homelands for safety in Israel. In response to the traumatic experience, Episcopal Relief & Development is working with HIAS to provide mental health support to individuals and groups, particularly focusing on older adults, refugees and asylum seekers.

HIAS, the international Jewish humanitarian organization that provides services to refugees and asylum seekers, has worked in Israel since 1950, developing a network of local partners across the country. For decades, HIAS has responded to emergencies around the world, assisting displaced populations.

“Episcopal Relief & Development’s partnership with HIAS will allow us to reach survivors who are in a vulnerable state,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Episcopal Relief & Development. “We are committed to supporting the recovery of all people whose lives have been affected by the war.”

Please continue to pray for peace in the Holy Land and for Episcopal Relief & Development partners. Support of the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund will help to address immediate and long-term needs created by the Israel-Hamas war through locally-led partnerships.

 A destroyed residential neighborhood where an Al Ahli staff member lives. The staff member and their family are now homeless. Photo Credit: The Rev. Canon Don Binder, St. George's Cathedral, Jerusalem 
A destroyed residential neighborhood where an Al Ahli staff member lives. The staff member and their family are now homeless. Photo Credit: The Rev. Canon Don Binder, St. George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem
Press Release

Partnering with Al Ahli Hospital in Response To Israel-Hamas War

Press Release

October 19, 2023

Episcopal Relief & Development continues to partner with Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, to provide emergency medical support in the Gaza Strip in response to the Israel-Hamas war.

Following the deadly explosion on Tuesday evening, Al Ahli Hospital, in partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development, is determined to continue its mission to serve all people in need by offering emergency treatment. While there has been periodic violence in the region for decades, the need within northern Gaza has surged since the attack on October 7. Since then, explosions throughout Gaza have brought the death toll to over 3,000 people and have injured many thousands more. 

Movement restrictions and closed borders have created challenges in sending and receiving aid. However, Episcopal Relief & Development’s support has enabled the hospital to find local resources, increase their number of beds and maintain 24-hour staffing to continue critical operations. Al Ahli Hospital has been able to meet the needs of hundreds of wounded adults and children who have migrated to the hospital after their homes and refugee camps were destroyed. 

“Hospital staff are risking their lives to save the lives of others. Many have been injured while working, some staff have been displaced from their homes and have lost family members,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Episcopal Relief & Development. “The team at Al Ahli continues to be an inspiring and dedicated presence in Gaza.”

Please join Episcopal Relief & Development in mourning all those lost to violence. Please continue to pray for peace in the Holy Land and for Episcopal Relief & Development partners who are working to serve all people who come to them seeking treatment and safety.

Support of the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund will help to address immediate and long-term needs created by the Israel-Hamas war through locally-led partnerships.

Web Update

October 17, 2023

  • It has been reported by the Gaza Health Ministry that Al Ahli Hospital compound was hit by rocket fire, resulting in several hundred casualties. 
  • On October 14, a part of Al Ahli Hospital compound was hit by rocket fire. Two of the upper floors of the building that was struck have sustained damage and four staff members were injured. 
  • Episcopal Relief & Development continues to be in touch with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem as the situation develops. 
  • Please continue to pray for peace in the Holy Land and for Episcopal Relief & Development partners who are working to serve all people who come to them seeking treatment and safety.

Web Statement

Episcopal Relief & Development Responds to Israel-Hamas War

Web Statement

October 12, 2023

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, to provide emergency support in Gaza following the outbreak of war in the region.

Over 2200 people have been killed in Israel and Palestine following an unprecedented attack by the militant group Hamas. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been displaced, and thousands have been injured, placing additional strain on hospitals and other institutions.

Al Ahli Hospital, with the support of Episcopal Relief & Development, is recruiting emergency staff and acquiring essential supplies such as medicines, ICU equipment, fuel and food. Staff are also providing psychosocial support to all people affected by the war.

“Al Ahli Hospital is committed to continuing to provide 24/7 health services for all people in need of medical care,” said Suhaila Tarazi, Director, Al Ahli Hospital. “The role of Al Ahli Hospital could be highly significant in saving lives during emergencies and in eliminating the gap in the healthcare system.”

The situation in Gaza is becoming increasingly desperate as ongoing attacks impact refugee camps, hospitals and other institutions.

“Life in Gaza is paralyzed,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Episcopal Relief & Development. “This is affecting people’s access to basic needs, particularly health.”

Episcopal Relief & Development remains in touch with the Diocese of Jerusalem and other partners in the region as the events unfold. Please pray for peace in the Holy Land as they experience violence and consider making a contribution to the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund. Support of this fund will help to provide medicine and other supplies and help our partners tend to the physical and psychosocial wounds of all people affected by this conflict.

For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has worked with an extensive network of faith and community partners to advance lasting change in communities affected by injustice, poverty, disaster and climate change. Inspired by our faith, we reach over three million people each year by focusing on four interconnected priorities: nurturing the potential of caregivers and young children, reducing violence against women and girls, strengthening communities’ resilience to climate change and facilitating humanitarian response to disasters. Together with our partners, we leverage what’s working well to drive impact, learning and sustainability. Together, we create lasting change.