Press & Resources

Friday, Jul 22, 2011

Aid for Somali Refugees in Kenya

July 22, 2011 On July 20, the United Nations declared a famine in two regions of southern Somalia. The food shortage is the consequence of a sustained drought that is said to be the worst in more than 50 years. Reports indicate that over 800,000 people have fled Somalia as a result, many seeking refuge in the neighboring 

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Wednesday, Jul 20, 2011

July Web Series Feature Partners in Solomon Islands and Friends in Mississippi

July 20, 2011 The Power of Partnerships this month highlights the work of Episcopal Relief & Development’s partner, the Anglican Church of Melanesia, to equip farmers in the Solomon Islands to respond to rising sea levels. By employing innovative permaculture methods and importing saline-resistant plant

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Friday, Jul 08, 2011

Japanese Church Continues Relief, Plans Recovery

Latest News: 7/29: Newsletter from NSKK (June 2011) July 8, 2011 On March 11, 2011, a massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake shook eastern Japan and caused a tsunami that swept away houses and flooded towns up to 6 miles inland. It was the biggest earthquake to strike Japan since modern record-keeping began in 1900; 

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Thursday, Jun 23, 2011

June Web Series Feature Partners in Nicaragua and Friends in California

June 23, 2011 The Power of Partnerships this month illustrates how clean water and sanitation can break the cycle of water-borne disease. Episcopal Relief & Development’s partners in Nicaragua, El Porvenir and CEPAD (the Council of Protestant Churches in Nicaragua), are working in rural communities to ensure

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Friday, Jun 03, 2011

Disaster Response and Long-Term Recovery in the US

June 3, 2011 In April, tornadoes swept through the South and Southeast, killing hundreds of people and causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage. In the weeks after the storms, communities and relief agencies worked together to assist people as they salvaged belongings and started planning to rebuild. Now, Episcopal

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Friday, May 27, 2011

SUDRA Responds to Displaced Residents of Abyei

Latest Updates: 7/22: Sudan Episcopal Church offers shelter, advocacy for people of disputed region of Abyei (ENS)7/18: Letter of Thanks from Sudanese Archbishop, the Most Rev. Daniel Deng Bul7/10: South Sudan Episcopalians celebrate birth of their new nation (ENS) Letter of Thanks from Sudanese

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