Press & Resources
March Web Feature Highlights Partners in Sierra Leone
This month’s Power of Partnerships celebrates the efforts of the Anglican Diocese of Bo, Episcopal Relief & Development’s partner in southern Sierra Leone, to alleviate hunger, promote health and raise awareness about gender equity and good governance. March is Women’s History Month, but Episcopal Relief
NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund Exceeds Goal to Fight Malaria
The NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund has successfully exceeded its $5 million goal due to the incredible generosity of supporters across the Episcopal Church and beyond. Over the 2010-12 triennium, thousands of individuals joined congregations, dioceses, schools and organizations in this church-wide, grassroots effort to
Episcopal Relief & Development Assists Mozambique Flood Response
March 7, 2013 Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting emergency flood response and recovery efforts in Mozambique through two dioceses of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. Both the Niassa Diocese in the northern part of the country and the Lebombo Diocese to the south have experienced severe flooding.
El Fondo de Inspiración NetsforLife® supera el objetivo para combatir la malaria
El Fondo de Inspiración NetsforLife® ha superado con éxito su objetivo de 5 millones de dólares debido a la increíble generosidad de los colaboradores de toda la Iglesia Episcopal y personas externas a la organización. Durante el trienio 2010-2012, miles de personas se unieron a
Supporting Earthquake and Tsunami Relief in the Solomon Islands
March 5, 2013 Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM) to provide emergency assistance following an earthquake and tsunami that struck the Solomon Islands on February 6. The office of the Diocese of Temotu is on Santa Cruz Island, one of the easternmost of the Solomon Islands
February Web Feature Highlights Friends in Florida
February 26, 2013 This month’s Friends of Episcopal Relief & Development celebrates the enthusiasm of the Godly Play students at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Jacksonville, Florida, in helping others through Episcopal Relief & Development’s Gifts for Life program. The children’s