Press & Resources
Church Agencies Unite to Support South Sudan Relief and Recovery
February 4, 2014 DownloadFull Page Insert(PDF | JPG) Download Half Page Insert(PDF | JPG) The Sudanese Development and Relief Agency (SUDRA), the humanitarian wing of the Episcopal Church in South Sudan & Sudan (ECSSS), is supplying food, water and medical care to people displaced by the conflict current
2014 Lenten Meditations Focus on Economic Empowerment
January 22, 2014 Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten Meditations booklets are now available in English and Spanish. This year’s collection of forty-six reflections focuses on creating economic opportunities and strengthening communities, with a particular focus on empowering women.
Las Meditaciones de Cuaresma del 2014 se centran en el fortalecimiento económico
22 de enero de 2014 El folleto de las Meditaciones de Cuaresma que publica la Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo ya está disponible en inglés y español. La colección de este año nos trae cuarenta y seis reflexiones centradas alrededor de la creación de oportunidades
Meditaciones de Cuaresma en el 75 Aniversario de la Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo, disponibles en inglés y español
12 de enero de 2014 La edición del 75 Aniversario de las Meditaciones de Cuaresma de la Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo se encuentra ahora disponible en Inglés y Español para la temporada de Cuaresma de 2015. Las meditaciones de este año, preparadas por un grupo diverso de
South Sudan Church Responds ‘Wholeheartedly’ to Crisis
January 7, 2014 Episcopal Relief & Development is working with its partners in South Sudan as they respond to the humanitarian needs of people displaced by the current crisis. The Episcopal Church of South Sudan & Sudan (ECSSS) has established nine relief centers in Awerial to provide supplies and pastoral care to
South Sudan Response 2013
An outbreak of civil unrest began on December 15 in Juba, the capital of South Sudan. Fighting spread through seven of the country’s ten states, causing 180,000 people to flee their homes. An estimated 75,000 are seeking refuge in UN bases, and many are looking to the Episcopal Church in South Sudan & Sudan (ECSS