Press & Resources

Tuesday, Apr 26, 2016

Episcopal Relief & Development apoya la ayuda a las inundaciones en Texas y a los terremotos de Ecuador y Japón

Episcopal Relief & Development (la Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo) está apoyando a sus iglesias asociadas en Texas, Ecuador y Japón en su reacción a los desastres ocurridos recientemente. En todos los lugares afectados, iglesias locales están poni&e

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Monday, Apr 25, 2016

World Malaria Day 2016: NetsforLife® Celebrates Ten Years of Strengthening Communities to End Malaria

April 25, 2016 NetsforLife®, Episcopal Relief & Development’s flagship, award-winning malaria prevention and control program, is celebrating 10 years of strengthening communities to fight this deadly disease, which still kills one child every two minutes in sub-Saharan Africa. This momentous year coincides with

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Thursday, Apr 21, 2016

Episcopal Relief & Development Supports Response to Floods in Texas and Earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan

April 21, 2016 Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting local church partners in Texas, Ecuador and Japan as they respond to recent disasters. Throughout, local churches are reaching out in their communities to assess needs and accompany people as they cope with the immediate aftermath

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Tuesday, Apr 19, 2016

April Earthquakes Strike Hard in Japan and Ecuador

In Ecuador, at least 570 people have died and 155 are reported missing following a 7.8-magnitude earthquake centered off the coast on April 16. There is a strong Episcopal Church presence in communities affected by the earthquakes, and two in particular – San Esteban in the Cuba neighborhood of the city of Manta

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Thursday, Apr 07, 2016

Episcopal Relief & Development Launches Community-Led Water and Sanitation Program in Rural Angola

April 7, 2016 Episcopal Relief & Development, the Anglican Diocese of Angola (IAA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have launched a three-year program in rural Angola to improve water and sanitation at the community level. Located in Songo Municipality, Uige Province, the program will 

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Monday, Mar 14, 2016

Responding to Storms and Flooding in South-Central US

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the two Episcopal dioceses in Louisiana and has reached out to several more across the region, following severe weather that caused tornadoes and flooding from Texas to Tennessee. Storms began on March 7 and moved east, deluging some parts of Louisiana with 24 inches of rain

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