Press & Resources

Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017

Episcopal Relief & Development Responds to Hurricane Maria

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with dioceses throughout affected areas in the Caribbean as they respond to the devastating impact of Hurricane Maria. Stay updated here. 

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Saturday, Oct 07, 2017

Hurricanes 2017

The 2017 Atlantic Hurricane season emerged as one of the most destructive in recent history, with Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria causing major destruction in Texas, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and throughout the Caribbean. Press Releases and Web Statements containing news and information about our work can be found on this page. Stay updated with the most recent developments, including long-term recovery efforts, at 2017 Hurricanes: Response and Recovery.

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Tuesday, Oct 03, 2017

Episcopal Relief & Development Responds to Hurricane Irma

Episcopal Relief & Development responds to communities in the Caribbean and the US impacted by Hurricane Irma.

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Friday, Sep 15, 2017

Episcopal Relief & Development Responds to Hurricane Harvey

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with dioceses throughout the affected areas in Texas and Louisiana as they assess the ongoing impact of Hurricane Harvey and prepare to respond. Stay updated here. 

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Tuesday, Aug 08, 2017

Supporting Families Impacted by Violence in the DR Congo

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Diocese of Kasai, Province of Anglican Church of Congo to support 90 families impacted by violence in the Grand Kasai provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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Tuesday, Aug 08, 2017

Episcopal Relief & Development Responds to Floods in India

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting disaster response efforts in the West Bengal region of India after devastating floods caused by heavy rains, high tides and overwhelming amounts of water released from local reservoirs and dams.


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