Press & Resources

Wednesday, Aug 02, 2017

Responding to Famine in South Sudan

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting ongoing famine relief efforts in South Sudan through its ecumenical partnership with IMA World Health. IMA is working with its local partners to alleviate hunger and related health risks among people impacted by chronic food shortages and political conflict.

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Wednesday, Jul 26, 2017

Supporting Displaced People in East Mosul, Kirkuk and Suleymaniyah

Episcopal Relief & Development is working through the ACT Alliance to support humanitarian relief work in Iraq. Working through Christian Aid, the ACT Alliance is coordinating multi-sector activities to serve 8,000 displaced families impacted by military operations around Mosul.

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Thursday, Jul 06, 2017

Prayers after Flooding and Landslides in Sri Lanka

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Church of Ceylon’s Diocese of Colombo to feed more than 3,000 displaced people following severe and widespread flooding in Sri Lanka. These relief activities, led by the diocesan Board of Social Responsibility (BSR), are focused in five hard-hit districts where the Church’s strong presence can best meet local needs.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Episcopal Partners Celebrate Five-Year Program Achievements for Healthy Children in Zambia

Episcopal Relief & Development and Zambia Anglican Council Outreach Programmes (ZACOP) celebrated the five-year achievements of their flagship integrated Early Childhood Development Program at a forum in Lusaka on Wednesday, May 24.

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Thursday, Apr 27, 2017

Episcopal Relief & Development Mourns the Loss of Nancy Marvel, Former Executive Director

Episcopal Relief & Development mourns the loss of Nancy Lowell Marvel, former Executive Director. A long-time resident of Pelham, New York, Nancy died on Monday, April 17 at the age of 85.

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Thursday, Mar 23, 2017

Responding to El Niño Storms in Peru

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the ecumenical response of the ACT Alliance to severe El Niño-related storms in Peru. The ACT Alliance has been monitoring the situation through local partners, and will assist with temporary shelter, water and sanitation needs and psychosocial support for affected communities in the Ica region south of Lima.

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