Press & Resources
Episcopal Relief & Development and the Episcopal Church of Liberia Receive Three-Year Grant from the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
Episcopal Relief & Development and the humanitarian arm of the Episcopal Church of Liberia (ECL-RD) were awarded a second $670,000 three-year grant from the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) to expand a gender-based violence prevention and response project in Liberia.
Episcopal Relief & Development Kicks Off $700,000 Holiday Match
Episcopal Relief & Development is launching its annual Holiday Match again this year, offering our supporters and new donors the chance to double their impact with a donation. From now until the end of the year, every dollar donated will be matched, up to a total of $700,000.
Supporting Crisis Response in Yemen
Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting its partner the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf to respond to needs of the people affected by the ongoing crisis in Yemen.
“Let Your Light Shine” This Holiday Season with Episcopal Relief & Development’s Gifts for Life
Episcopal Relief & Development encourages supporters to “Let Your Light Shine” with Gifts for Life, an alternative giving catalog that offers tangible and meaningful ways to create lasting change this holiday season.
Responding to Hurricane Michael
Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting dioceses located in the path of Hurricane Michael as they respond to the needs of impacted communities.
Responding to Flooding in Honduras
Episcopal Relief & Development is working with Aanglidesh, the Diocese of Honduras Development Agency to provide assistance to families affected by the torrential rain in Honduras this spring.