Press & Resources
Children | Learn about Episcopal Relief & Development’s work to help communities nurture children to their full potential.
Responding to the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Province of the Anglican Church of the Congo (PEAC) in providing emergency shelter, food and critical supplies for people displaced by the recent upsurge in violence in the ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Responding to the Drought in Namibia
Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Anglican Diocese of Namibia in response to the ongoing drought devastating the country.
New Grant from Grand Challenges Canada Will Expand Episcopal Relief & Development’s Early Childhood Development Work
Episcopal Relief & Development has been awarded a $500,000 CAD (approximately $370,000 USD) grant from Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) as part of the GCC Saving Brains Transitions-to-Scale Program to support the expansion of Moments That Matter, an early childhood development program partnership of Episcopal Relief & Development.