Episcopal Relief & Development Highlights Updated CDC Zika Guidelines

Episcopal Relief & Development urges concerned individuals to refer to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for the most up-to-date information on Zika virus, following reports that 14 cases in Miami likely resulted from local mosquito-borne transmission. The CDC has issued a travel advisory for the Miami neighborhood of Wynwood, where the surge in Zika cases is localized.
The CDC advises pregnant women not to travel to areas with active Zika transmission, and recommends that couples who are considering pregnancy wait for eight weeks after returning from active transmission areas before trying to become pregnant. The agency urges mosquito bite prevention measures such as using insect repellent and wearing clothing that covers arms and legs.
CDC recommendations are also available in Spanish:
- Travel Advisory for Wynwood, Florida
- Mosquito Bite Prevention Measures (Evitar las picaduras de mosquitos)
Please pray for all those impacted by Zika and mosquito-borne diseases, particularly pregnant women in areas where mosquito control measures are limited.
God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of all who suffer: Grant your saving health to all who are afflicted by disease throughout the world. Bless the labors of all who minister to the sick, and unite the wills of nations and peoples in seeking an end to the pandemics of our age; that sickness may be turned to health, sorrow turned to joy, and mourning turned to praise of your Holy Name.
—From the Millennium Development Goals Prayers of the People, issued by the Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations
Top image from CDC infographic on Zika transmission (available in English and Spanish)