Resource Library

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Women and Girls in Liberia

Monday, May 22, 2023

Incidences of violence against women and girls (VAWG) rose in Liberia during the pandemic. This qualitative research investigates the impact and outcomes COVID-19 had on women and girls in Liberia. Learnings from the research will be used to inform VAWG programs in humanitarian crises.

Comprehensive Endline Evaluation for Liberia’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Program

Monday, May 22, 2023

The report presents key findings from Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Program in Liberia, “Scaling Up Faith Leaders’ Engagement to Prevent and Respond to VAWG.” The program was implemented in partnership with Episcopal Church of Liberia Relief and Development. The evaluation was independently conducted by Dr. Elisabet le Roux of Stellenbosch and Dr. Julienne Corboz, Independent Consultant.

2021 Spotlight: Central America Emergency Food Relief and Resilience Project

Tuesday, Nov 08, 2022

COVID-19 compounded economic and social challenges in rural communities across Central America. In 2021, Episcopal Relief & Development and partners responded by providing 4.4 million meals to 28,000 people in four countries. Learn how implementing partners existing volunteer networks and long-standing community relationships helped to move the project beyond its original goal.

Pastores Y Desastres

Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022

Episcopal Relief & Development se complace en compartir el Kit de Herramientas Pastores y Desastres, un recurso y un libro de trabajo de herramientas prácticas que ayudan a mejorar nuestros esfuerzos en responder más eficazmente a la creciente gravedad y frecuencia de los desastres, especialmente en el contexto de las iglesias y organizaciones locales anglicanas o episcopales.

Pastores E Desastres

Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022

Episcopal Relief & Development tem o prazer de compartilhar o Kit de Ferramentas Pastores e Catástrofes, um manual de recursos e um manual de ferramentas práticas projetado para ajudar a melhorar nossos esforços para responder mais efetivamente à crescente gravidade e frequência dos desastres, especialmente dentro do contexto das igrejas e organizações locais anglicanas ou episcopais.

Moments That Matter® Impact Report 2018 – 2021

Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022

Moments That Matter® (MTM) is a community-based early childhood development and parenting empowerment program to improve the development, health, and economic outcomes for children aged 0-3. This 2018-2021 MTM Impact Report is a summary of the implementation research, which assessed Primary Caregivers’s knowledge and behavioral changes to responsive care and early learning in Kenya and Zambia.

Pastors and Disasters: A Toolkit for Community-Based Disaster Resilience

Wednesday, Jul 13, 2022

Episcopal Relief & Development is pleased to share the Pastors and Disasters Toolkit, a resource manual and workbook of practical tools designed to help improve our efforts to respond more effectively to the increasing severity and frequency of disasters, especially within the context of local Anglican or Episcopal churches and organizations.

African Population and Health Resource Center: Endline Summary Report, August 2021

Wednesday, Jul 06, 2022

This 2019 endline evaluation summary report highlights findings of the impact, process and cost-effectiveness of the community-based parenting empowerment programs in Kenya and Zambia. The evaluation assessed if the program increased Primary Caregivers’s adoption of high-impact behaviors to improve interactions with children, responsive care, early learning and safety and security.

Individual & Family Preparedness

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Disaster-response authorities recommend three primary actions families should take to prepare for disasters: Have a plan for who to call and where to meet; Stay informed of events and conditions; Make an emergency kit that provides for medical needs, plus food, water and temporary shelter.

Preparación individual y familiar

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Según la FEMA, hay tres cosas fundamentales que puedes hacer para garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar tuyo y de tu familia durante una catástrofe: hacer un plan, mantenerse informado y obtener un botiquín.

FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Q&A

Tuesday, Apr 13, 2021

The FEMA COVID-19 funeral assistance program is a federal program reimbursing people for
costs associated with COVID-19 deaths in the United States since January 20, 2020. This FAQ breaks down questions around multiple decedents, immigration status, church reimbursements and more.