Resource Library
Educational Resource | Ministry Planning Calendar Instructions
Wednesday, Dec 04, 2024Notes and best practices in building Your planning calendar
Educational Resource | Ministry Planning Calendar
Wednesday, Dec 04, 2024Our Ministry Planning Calendar will assist you in planning for your church or community. We hope this calendar helps your community achieve its goals and makes planning more manageable for you.
Resources | Types of Planned Giving
Wednesday, Oct 09, 2024Explore the various types of planned giving and what is the best option for you.
Resources | Making a Planned Gift
Wednesday, Oct 09, 2024Jim Murphy, Episcopal Relief & Development’s Director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving, hosted a webinar titled “Making a Planned Gift.” The webinar detailed the steps for making a planned gift to your parish and other charities. Watch his full webinar and explore additional resources.
Donation Request Flyer with QR Code for Hurricane Helene Response | English
Wednesday, Oct 02, 2024A printable flyer in English with a QR code that you can share with your congregation to make donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Hurricane Fund more convenient.
Donation Request Flyer with QR Code for Hurricane Helene Response | Spanish
Wednesday, Oct 02, 2024A printable flyer in Spanish with a QR code that you can share with your congregation to make donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Hurricane Fund more convenient.
Printable Congregational Bulletin Insert | Spanish
Wednesday, Oct 02, 2024A printable bulletin insert for your congregation in Spanish to amplify Episcopal Relief & Development’s response to Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
Printable Congregational Bulletin Insert | English
Wednesday, Oct 02, 2024A printable bulletin insert for your congregation in English to amplify Episcopal Relief & Development’s response to Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
16 Days of Activism Toolkit – 2024
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024Episcopal Relief & Development’s work in communities across the world has shown us the transformative power of faith-based approaches in addressing violence against women and girls.
Informe Anual de 2023
Monday, Sep 23, 2024Informe Anual de 2023 | Trabajando juntos por un cambio duradero
Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2023 Annual Report | English
Monday, Sep 23, 2024In Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2023 Annual Report, explore our impact by the numbers, then go behind the data to see the faces, hear the voices, and meet the people who are bringing our work to life worldwide. Gain a deeper understanding of our work from expert staff who share insights, reflections, innovations and exciting news about the impact we’re having and where our work is heading.
Strategy Summary | US Disaster Response by 2030
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024In the United States (US), it’s projected tens of millions of people will be forced to leave their homes by 2100 because of sea level rise, major storms, drought, heat, wildfires and other impacts of the changing climate. Under our refreshed US disaster response strategy, our programs will advance a people-prioritized, climate-adaptive disaster response approach.
Nuestra comunidad mundial
Monday, Jun 17, 2024Desde asociados al programa y participantes, hasta miembros de la junta directiva y voluntarios, conozca nuestra comunidad mundial.
Our Global Community (EN)
Thursday, Jun 06, 2024From program partners and participants to board members and volunteers, get to know our Global Community.
Scaling the Moments That Matter® early childhood development model: how communities’ monitoring for change contributes to sustainable impact
Monday, Mar 04, 2024This 2023 Frontiers Journal article, co-authored by Episcopal Relief & Development’s Director of Strategic Learning & Program Resources, presents a community case study of our Moments That Matter®️ program partnership, exploring how the program creates lasting change through an approach that is people-centered and community-led.
2024 Meditaciones para la cuaresma: Todos los recursos
Friday, Dec 22, 2023Descargue el paquete completo como archivo comprimido; incluye el Librito de Meditaciones, la Guía de Estudio, el Póster, el Volante y los recursos para el Boletín.
2024 Meditaciones para la cuaresma — Encarte para el boletín
Friday, Dec 22, 2023Imprima este volante de 5.5 x 8.5 pulgadas para incluir en el boletín semanal o repartir en reuniones. Incluye un código QR que enlaza a los varios recursos disponibles.