Resource Library
16 Days of Activism Toolkit – 2024
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024Episcopal Relief & Development’s work in communities across the world has shown us the transformative power of faith-based approaches in addressing violence against women and girls.
Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2023 Annual Report | English
Monday, Sep 23, 2024In Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2023 Annual Report, explore our impact by the numbers, then go behind the data to see the faces, hear the voices, and meet the people who are bringing our work to life worldwide. Gain a deeper understanding of our work from expert staff who share insights, reflections, innovations and exciting news about the impact we’re having and where our work is heading.
Strategy Summary | Reducing Violence Against Women and Girls by 2030
Friday, Jul 14, 2023Violence against women and girls violates the human rights and dignity of individuals, communities and whole societies. We work with local leaders (faith, traditional and youth) and community groups to apply social and behavior change strategies to foster attitudes, beliefs and norms that advance equity and social inclusion, and prevent and condemn violence against women and girls.
2022 Project Spotlight: Honduras
Friday, Jun 30, 2023An overview of our partner Siempre Unidos’ Siloe Project which upholds the dignity of people such as commercial sex workers, LGBTQ+ people, people living in slums, incarcerated people and ethnic minority communities.
2022 Project Spotlight: Liberia
Friday, Jun 30, 2023With the Episcopal Church of Liberia Relief & Development, we are engaging young people and faith leaders in addressing and preventing violence against women and girls.
2022 Project Spotlight: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Friday, Jun 30, 2023Our work with the dioceses of Aru and Bukavu addresses violence against women by increasing church and community participation in response to and awareness and prevention of violence.
2022 Project Spotlight: Burundi
Friday, Jun 30, 2023With our support, our partners in the Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi are working to change harmful gender and social norms and practices.
2022 Project Spotlight: Brazil
Tuesday, Jun 27, 2023An overview of the work done by our partner, Servicio Anglicano de Diacono e Desenvolvimento (SADD), the development arm of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil (IEAB) to train and equip local leaders in preventing and responding to violence against women and children, while providing services for survivors.
2018-2022 Scaling Up Faith and Youth Leaders’ Engagement to Prevent and Respond to Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Program in Liberia Poster
Tuesday, Jun 13, 2023Overview of Liberia’s Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Program with results and learnings from the 2018-2022 program endline evaluation. (This is a 36″x36″ poster.)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Women and Girls in Liberia
Monday, May 22, 2023Incidences of violence against women and girls (VAWG) rose in Liberia during the pandemic. This qualitative research investigates the impact and outcomes COVID-19 had on women and girls in Liberia. Learnings from the research will be used to inform VAWG programs in humanitarian crises.
Comprehensive Endline Evaluation for Liberia’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Program
Monday, May 22, 2023The report presents key findings from Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Program in Liberia, “Scaling Up Faith Leaders’ Engagement to Prevent and Respond to VAWG.” The program was implemented in partnership with Episcopal Church of Liberia Relief and Development. The evaluation was independently conducted by Dr. Elisabet le Roux of Stellenbosch and Dr. Julienne Corboz, Independent Consultant.