Link to our site
Let’s stay connected.
Simply add the buttons below to your website and your visitors can easily connect with Episcopal Relief & Development. To save any of these images on your computer, enter its URL into your browser, right-click on the image, and select “Save.” You can also select “Copy” if you wish to resize the image.
We currently offer Episcopal Relief & Development logo button and “Donate” buttons.
We’ve also supplied HTML code that can be copied and pasted onto your site. The code displays the button and links it to the appropriate page.
Thank you for linking to us!
Episcopal Relief & Development Logo

<a href=""><img alt="Episcopal Relief & Development" src=""/></a>
“Donate” Buttons

<a href=""><img alt="Donate Now to Episcopal Relief & Development" src=""/></a>

<a href=""><img alt="Donate Towards Lasting Change" src=""/></a>

<a href=""><img alt="Donate Towards Lasting Change" src=""/></a>