Creator God,
We lament the ways in which we have failed to care for your creation and the times we have ignored the suffering of our global neighbors. We ask for your forgiveness.
We ask that world leaders be filled with compassion and take measures to care for the whole of your creation. We ask for your will to be done.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
– Adapted from

God, our Creator of heaven and earth, how blessed we are to be surrounded by the beauty of your creation.
We lift our prayer of gratitude as we see the stars of heaven, and the beauty of the sunset.
We are amazed by the seas and waterways and all that are in them.
We are enchanted by the flowers and trees which are clothed by you.
We are awed by all the animals you created.
For the beauty of the earth, the mountains and valleys, the sun and the moon – we give you praise.
– Author Unknown,

Almighty and Everliving God, you bring forth and sustain every living thing; help us grow in compassion and care for the multitude of your creatures, that we may see them not as objects for our use, but as brothers and sisters that sing your never-ending praise. Through Jesus Christ, our Shepherd and guide, who with you and the Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and forever.
– Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis, IN

God of blessings, the universe sings of your glory.
Deepen our gratitude for all you have made and awaken in us a renewed commitment to care for the earth and each other.
Give us all the tools to listen to those most affected by climate change and with courage to act urgently and wisely, so that our common home may be healed and restored and all people, and generations to come, may delight in it.
– Adapted from the COP27 Climate Summit prayer from the EcoJesuits

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
– Psalm 19:1-4