Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in and support of Episcopal Relief & Development. We greatly value your feedback and suggestions. Our staff reviews all comments and will respond to your questions in a timely manner. For contact information and mailing address click here.

You also may find answers to some of your more general questions in our FAQs. To join our mailing list or email lists, please visit the Sign Up page

    To contact our staff about a donation or other questions:

    Episcopal Relief & Development (Headquarters)
    815 Second Avenue
    New York, NY 10017

    Fax: 212.687.5302

    To send a contribution by mail:

    Episcopal Relief & Development
    PO Box 5121
    Boone, IA 50950 – 0121

    To contact our staff, please use the form below or one of the following email addresses:

    General inquiries

    Episcopal Relief & Development’s President

    International and domestic programs

    Communications, website and social media

    Engagement programs

    Fundraising initiatives