Abundant Life Garden Project® Downloads

Thank you for becoming a registered member of the Abundant Life Garden Project® community. On this page, you can download any and all Abundant Life Garden Project® modules. We recommend that you bookmark this page for future use, or you can click on the link in your confirmation email to return to this page at any time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at engagement@episcopalrelief.org.


Sunday School Weekly Lessons

Week 1: Water

Week 2: Soil

Week 3: Seeds

Week 4: Animals

Week 5: Harvest

Week 6: Celebration

Sunday School Supplemental Materials

Vacation Bible School Daily Lessons

Day 1: Water

Day 2: Soil

Day 3: Seeds

Day 4: Animals

Day 5: Harvest

Day 6: Celebration

Virtual Vacation Bible School (for presentation online)