In our partnership with ADDRO, we are equipping parents and others to help children younger than three years old thrive. Our Moments That Matter® (MTM) integrated early childhood development program partnership enables caregivers to address children’s cognitive, psychosocial and physical development needs while also equipping communities to support their healthy development. The program’s goal is to ensure young children reach the developmental milestones that will help them live healthier and more prosperous lives.
Through MTM, ADDRO leverages the assets of the church by building the awareness and capacity of local faith and community leaders to create safe and supportive environments for children to thrive. ADDRO-trained community volunteers also work to avoid preventable illnesses in children younger than five years of age such as malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia and to ensure that babies receive recommended vaccinations.

ADDRO’s integrated approach addresses gender disparities to help shift cultural views on gender roles. Men and women are encouraged to share parenting and household duties. Women also participate in savings groups, which offer access to training and micro-loans for business development thus supporting women’s ability to earn income and take an active role in financial decisions.
Moments That Matter® incorporates an integrated health component, encouraging pregnant women to seek prenatal care and promoting nutrition for mother and child.

ADDRO’s Northern Ghana Climate Resilience Program (NGCRP) equips communities to thrive in the face of climate change and other crises. With a comprehensive climate-smart agricultural program, ADDRO trains farmers to increase crop yield, reduce post-harvest losses and improve income while protecting the environment. Farmers can access improved seed varieties for a greater variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. The program offers training to process crops into products like peanut butter and shea butter, which have a longer shelf life and greater value in the market. Training in livestock care and access to healthy animals provides additional sustainable food and income. ADDRO also promotes the formation of savings groups and innovative micro-credit models that aim to graduate the ultra-poor to new levels of economic empowerment and resilience.