DCT-DSC’s integrated climate resilience program supports farmers faced with cyclical drought and other environmental and economic challenges through training on conservation agriculture, improved crop storage and microfinance for a holistic approach to supporting communities as they adapt to a changing climate. Access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet the needs especially of women and marginalized groups is an important component of climate resilience. Our partner has implemented savings groups in rural communities that have little to no access to banking. By providing an opportunity for people to build savings, access small loans and learn about business development, the groups help buffer some of the risk that remote farming communities face. DCT-DSC also strengthens community-based water committees and supports their investments in water infrastructure development.

With our guidance and support, the Anglican Diocese of Kondoa in Tanzania integrated COVID-19 prevention recommendations into its savings groups. Group facilitators were equipped with mobile phones so they could lead efforts remotely via text messaging and phone calls. Distribution of emergency supplies and food rations was conducted using appropriate safety guidelines. We also partnered with the Anglican Church of Tanzania’s Mothers’ Union to leverage their network to spread accurate information about the COVID-19 virus and how to reduce its transmission.

Our Results in 2023

8,914 individuals directly reached by long-term development programs.

3,200 trees planted throughout the country.

1,429 agribusiness and/or cooperatives started and/or expanded through climate-resilient training.

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